Week 2 Math + Art
Week 2 Math + Art
This picture describes how the arm muscles work and the math involved with them. |
We as humans fail to realize the
amount of art, science and math
around us as we go through life.
I learned through the
readings this week how important
these interconnected parts of life
Math affects art and science in
every way possible from the
angles that our bodies move and
the amount of velocity one can
All of these which started with the realization of how much effect math has on art and science. Math allows images to be detailed with calculations to an exact later influencing how art and science it done. I was stunned to know that math was not approached when it came to art rather was shunned away and kept to 2 dimensional pictures. Math creates photos that were never thought of before with being able to know angles and how much influence they have over paintings. Linda Dalrymple Henderson mentions how math has influenced art so much.
As you can see this a very complicated picture but if you break it down it is very basic math. |
The picture below gives a great example of how something can be so complicated yet so easily drawn. This picture just gives you a hint of the influence math has on art and science. From atoms the smallest unit of measure being described in science to how images are drawn using measuring units in art.
I learned how most people are turned away possibly from their teachers in math but what these people fail to realize is they are actually using the math in their art. Artist and scientists are always using math to equate what they are trying to either figure out or create.
Math is used in every painting ever from the hardest painting to the easiest. |
The juxtaposition between art, math and science is they are so closely interrelated
and influence one another. For example, if you mess up a pour in chemistry it will completely alter
your entire project and the same goes for in art if you mess up a line it can change your entire drawing.
Adewale, Heather. “What Is the Muscular System? - Function & How Muscles Work in Groups.” Study.com, Study.com, study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-the-muscular-system-function-how-muscles-work-in-groups.html.
“April 2018.” Discover Magazine, discovermagazine.com/2014/april/11-visions-of-math.
“Math and Art so Many Connections.” MAM2003 Essay: Mathematics and Art -- So Many Connections, www.mathaware.org/mam/03/essay3.html.
Mathematics and Science, abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/21st_century_science/lectures/lec02.html.
“The Mathematics of Art.” The Mathematics of Art - Math Central, mathcentral.uregina.ca/beyond/articles/art/art1.html.
Hello Zach, I love the example you give throughout your blog. I also agree with your comments as well I feel that we as humans don't realize how much of math, art and science we have going on around us and how intertwined it is. Keep up the good work.