Week 4 MedTech + Art
Week 4 MedTech + Art
This is a surgical reconstruction of a shoulder that has been. http://www.shoulderkneedoc.com/shoulderdislocations.htm |
The most influential readings this week was definitely Mission Eternity because of how they have people testing their own bodies for the betterment of the future of medical technology. This website gives so many great examples of how we are trying to advance every way possible to enhance ourselves to be the best we can possibly be as humans regardless of what happened to us. Kevin Warwick's article was also very intriguing how he expands on ones ability to essentially turn into a robot with all the technology we have around us and the new capabilities of doctors.
AS technology increases we can now check peoples diabetes. http://medicalfuturist.com/the-most-exciting-medical-technologies-of-2017/ |
“Art.” Virgil Wong, virgilwong.com/.
“The Broken Clavicle or Collar Bone - Four Myths You Need To Understand.” Howard J. Luks, MD, 10 Feb. 2018, www.howardluksmd.com/orthopedic-social-media/broken-clavicle-three-things-you-need-to-know/.
Kevin Warwick, www.kevinwarwick.com/i-cyborg/.
“The Most Exciting Medical Technologies of 2017.” The Medical Futurist, 26 Jan. 2017, medicalfuturist.com/the-most-exciting-medical-technologies-of-2017/.
Portland, Greg. “ ANTERIOR INSTABILITY AND SHOULDER DISLOCATIONS.” Greg Portland, M.D., www.shoulderkneedoc.com/shoulderdislocations.htm.
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