Extra Credit Event #2
The Museum of Jurassic Technology
The entrance of the Museum of Jurassic Technology. The lady at the desk didn't want to take a picture. |
This event was a great experience because it made me realize how the topics me cover in class is actually applicable in real life especially two cultures. I say it relates so well to two cultures because at this museums showed so many different ways people made and invented technology way back. Plus, it brings in how people actually believed the art of love and animals could be controlled with making powder out of their remains or obtaining their eggs from animals. "The term “science” also entails people aiming high" (The Third Culture). Which people of all ages have been trying to do and it is shown within the museum as years grew people and their art and technology grew.
People believed this potion could make bring love to the one who's needs it. |
David Bohm also mentions "creativity cannot be defined in words, but one can perhaps at least
begin to indicate what it is in an oblique and indirect way, by asking why
scientists are so deeply interested in their work" (On Creativity). This is probably the best quote I can have because it explains this museum exactly. Everyone having their own creativity to do what they think makes life special, so this is where cultures collide and make the ultimate beauty in the museum. So I did really appreciate the museum and what it had to offer and I would highly recommend it. This event would help benefit you as a human and not only for this class because it offers so many different cultures and their art works.
The stone is believed to keep calm seas and storms. |
“Special Section Introduction: Creativity and Cognition 2007: Materialities of Creativity.” The Effects of Poverty on Children on JSTOR, 1 Jan. 2009, www.jstor.org/stable/1571951?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents.
Kelly, Kevin. “The Third Culture.” Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 13 Feb. 1998, science.sciencemag.org/content/279/5353/992.full.
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