Week 4 MedTech + Art
Week 4 MedTech + Art This is a image of someone who has had their clavicle repaired. https://www.howardluksmd.com/orthopedic-social-media/broken-clavicle-three-things-you-need-to-know/ We have all seen someone with surgical scars or have had them ourselves but there is a lot of medical technology that goes into this process. Myself included in these surgical processes. I have broke my collarbone in 2 places at the same time so I have what you see above plus a plate to keep it all together because my break was so bad. Without doing the x-ray on my collarbone they would have no clue what the plan of attack would be when we entered the surgery room. This is a surgical reconstruction of a shoulder that has been. http://www.shoulderkneedoc.com/shoulderdislocations.htm The most influential readings this week was definitely Mission Eternity because of how they have people testing their own bodies for the betterment of the future of medical technology. This web...